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学术报告:Molecular control of organo-typical vascular network formation

日期:2024-04-01   点击数:95  

题 目:
Molecular control of organo-typical vascular network formation
主讲人:Ferdinand le Noble
简 历:

Ferdinand le Noble. 德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(KIT)细胞与发育生物学系,动物研究所教授,马克斯德尔布吕克中心 (MDC) 与柏林慈善机构中风研究中心合作的教授。博士毕业于马斯特里赫特心血管研究所 (CARIM)。主要研究方向为以斑马鱼和小鼠为模型,通过遗传学方法和生理学方法探究神经和心脏组织再生背景下血管生成、动脉生成、血管分泌的分子调节机制以及遗传和血流动力学因素如何在发育过程中控制动脉结构。确定了 Vegf-sFlt1-Kdr 通路在成人心血管疾病(包括左心室心肌病和高血压)的胎儿编程中的关键作用。

时 间:
20240410 日上午10:00
地 点:16号楼202

报告内容:During evolution, higher vertebrates developed intricately branched vascular networks that perfuse organs according to a form follows function principle. However, the molecular and cellular substrates that add organ specificity to the vascular growth and patterning process are largely unknown. Vascular endothelial growth factor (Vegf) and its receptors are key-regulators of developmental angiogenesis and branching remodeling in most organs including pancreas, liver, skeletal muscle, heart, brain and peripheral nervous system. How this relatively limited set of molecules can account for the great diversity in organ vessel patterning is unknown but considered clinically relevant for designing organo-typical pro- and anti-angiogenic therapies. Through systematic comparison of angiogenic remodeling in a range of tissues, using a series of zebrafish growth factor mutants and transgenics we identified tissue-specific cellular and molecular heterogeneity in the Vegf driven angiogenic remodeling process, to be at the basis of organo-typical formation of vascular networks. Here we will present the specific findings for the developing nervous system.